i would never dismiss my single life as something to be forgotten or trivialized as an unimportant part of my life. i cherish that time and the experiences i had, the friends i made, the lessons i learned and the knowledge i gained. but, as one of my favorite friends whom i never get to see once told me, "there's something really magical about being someone's wife." again, i couldn't agree more.
the only way i can describe this past month is that it's been the worst month... and the best month of my life. fortunately, the best parts far, far, far outweigh the worst parts. does that make sense?
there's nothing quite like being married to bring out all of your faults and shortcomings and weaknesses.
there's nothing quite like being married to realize how differently you were raised than other people.
there's nothing quite like being married to test your patience and tolerance.
there's nothing quite like being married to recognize the differences between you and your spouse.
there's also nothing quite like being married to fully understand how to love and be loved. to give and receive. to serve and be served.
it is kind of magical.
ily, m. happy one month.
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