
Thursday, February 23


dear high school girl who i tutor,
thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about what i believe with you this afternoon. it's been a long time since i've shared my testimony in that type of setting. i enjoyed answering your questions; and no, you did not offend me. but seriously, next week we have to get back to sat/act prep. as much fun as today was, i don't think your mom is paying me to talk religion with you for an hour.

dear 80-degree weather in february,
you make me happy to be a texan.

dear father and son playing catch in the front yard,
you make me proud to be an american.

dear ks,
ohmygoodness. i'm glad we're friends, too. and ps: i don't judge. i simply observe with love.  and pps: yes, i stole your blog post.

dear ke,
congrats on your mission call! sister missionaries are the best. you will be fabulous.

dear upper respiratory infection,
i have not enjoyed our time together.  please don't bother calling again; you are not welcome.

dear antibiotics,
thank you.

dear running shoes,
tomorrow? let's do it.

dear students,
i apologize, again, for crying in front of y'all. but i meant every word: y'all are my distraction from the hurt, my daily dose of happy. thank you for being patient with me as i try to put myself back together. i think you are all wonderful and i love being your teacher.

dear sugar,
for some silly reason, i've agreed to give you up for lent. i'll miss you.

dear vocal chords,
i know you feel like i've forgotten all about you, but i promise i haven't. i know you are still there, i know you are just waiting for me to belt it out. i still need a little more time... but soon, i promise. soon.

dear mom and dad,
i love you.

dear semester exams,
i dislike you just as much as the students do. if you could grade yourselves, that would be great.

dear cheetos,
i really need you to stop being so cheesy and crunchy.  i have feeling eating a (small) bag of you every other day is not very healthy.  if you could please stop showing up in the pantry, i could maybe forget how good you are.

dear london,
2 weeks!

dear z,
i miss you. it still hurts, but it's getting better. thank you for the happy memories; they get me through the day.

much love,


  1. I feel so honored to be mentioned in a blog post! Thank you so much for being there with Kirsten, it was so fun. We must hang out more before I leave.

  2. Seriously, Kayla. Don't you feel like you've made it now that we got ourselves on the blog?! I know my life goal #496 just got fulfilled.
