
Wednesday, January 20

Katie Needs a Man, Reason #26...

Apparently I like hanging things on the wall. And I'm usually okay doing it by myself - me and my trusty hammer, nails of all shapes and sizes and magic box of tools have completed many home improvement projects in the last year. I've even picked up a few tips from Dad: when hanging anything on the wall, one must always have measuring tape, pencil and paper, a level, and knowledge of advanced mathematics.

My latest wall decor items, however, are proving to be a bit of a challenge:

I'm really excited to have these recent Pottery Barn purchases adorn my living room wall. But they are extremely heavy. And require heavy-duty hanging hardware. And the use of a power drill.

If recent events have taught me anything, it's that I don't do well with the power drill. For some reason I end up putting superfluous holes in the wall. And I'm also half-scared to death that I'm going to drop the dang DeWalt right on top of my (usually bare-foot) foot.

I'm sure after several hits and misses, possibly some silent curses and lots of self-deprecating laughter, I will eventually manage to hang both the chalkboard and the flag on the wall all by my-fully-capable-self.

However, Mr. Wonderful, whoever you are, wherever you are: I've made the executive decision that you will be in charge of all Wall Hanging Projects. I will be more than happy to tell you exactly where I would like the item in question to go, but I will gladly relinquish my hammer and power drill to your (hopefully) more capable hands.

And hey - if it turns out you are also a little inept at home improvement projects, then after several hits and misses, possibly some silent curses and lots of self-deprecating laughter, I'm sure we will eventually manage to get everything done together.

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